Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Hi-Tek Contest on Jamglue

I meant to mention this earlier but it fell through the cracks over the holidays. Jamglue is holding a guest verse contest with the new single from Cincinnati's own DJ Hi-Tek. The song is called "My Piano" and features Ghostface, Raekwon, and Dion.

This is the snippet to add your rhymes over:
131299-tiny My Piano - Contest Backing Track uploaded by 131183-tiny Hi_Tek

The beat is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license which means it can be shared and re-used for non-commerical uses. Jamglue is a remix community that built CC licenses into its structure. The site has actually lets you build songs online right in your browser as if you were using a simplified version of ProTools. They also have a large collection of user contributed beats, samples, and remixes.

It's cool to see Hi-Tek supporting an exciting community like this.