Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Young Professionals

Am I a YP in Cincinnati? Sure, I guess you could say that. I don't know to what extent the P applies to me, but I am Y.

Two pieces slid across my desk today:

Politicians as Innovators, A piece written by a new contributor to the Beacon. Not much is divulged about the author other than that they are a Young Professional and that they are interested in the retention of their peers in the area. I like the piece because I like to hear people come up with ideas rather than complaining. I agree with the premise that retaining YPs is critical and I also like the appeal for politicians to be more creative. I don't really know that the proposal would work, because (as is mentioned in the post's comment section) there is still a kind of chicken-and-egg problem. Namely, the firms with the Creative Class jobs have to actually be here in town first. But still, much kudos for starting up a discussion.

'Cities Compete in Hipness Battle to Attract Young' CoolTown Studios links to studies showing what cities are hip for young people, and what it takes to be hip. It seems like it's getting harder and harder to deny the basic ideas behind "Creative Class" Theory.

It's a huge multi-dimensional challenge. I'm in favor of anything that make Cincinnati's image more attractive, creative, innovative, happening, whatever you want to call it because, hey I want to live in a hip city too.